My day started out I purposely left my lunch for the day in the fridge.  Why you may ask?  Well it’s simple; today is St. Patrick’s Day.  When I was little I started a tradition that I’m sure some of you along with alot of other North Americans particapated in as well.  That tradition being a Shamrock shake at McD’s.  So today when I got up instead of taking my less expensive and probably way more healthly leftover spaghetti I left it behind in lieu of the thought of a greasy tasty McDonalds meal washed down with one of my small pleasures in life.  Do you know what I got…?  Of course you do and it wasn’t my creamy minty goodness of those oh so lovealbe Shamrock shakes no it was a friggin coke!  And why because corprate Ronald; that’s right I said corprate Ronald.  You know him the same one now wearing a black suit with his hair slicked back all cool wearing those killer shades yeah that asshole.  Yeah well corprate Ronald forgot where the hell he came from and has decided it costs too damn much to truck in one days shipment of mint mix to satisfy one simple day in the life of many people.  Now I don’t ask for a lot of things lord knows I’m not a man of a ton of possesions, don’t get me wrong we’d all love world peace and I’m pretty sure we could all find a way to spend a couple million dollars, hell you wouldn’t catch me kickin a pair of red headed twins out my bed but all that stuff is like pie in the sky.  So I ask you is it much to ask one corporation to have a simple mint flavored treat available for my tasting pleasures just once a year?  WELL IS IT???  I don’t think so, so you know what there Ronald or should I say Coolio you and the rest of your corporation can go and choke on your pre processed no name meat.  And on my way out the door, Hey Ronnie here’s a shaleily in your eye.